If you need to retrieve more than 200 records, make sure you know how to paginate using COQL. It’s fairly simple and you can fetch up to 10,000 records at a time.
Look at the below code for how to use the pagination feature. Essentially, you can call 200 records at a time and you need to increase the ‘offset’ by 200 each time in order to be able to call the next 200 records. We accomplish this by creating a simple repeated list of 49 items (49 * 200 = 9800, our maximum offset)
We use a ‘for each’ loop on that list to calculate the offset for the next COQL call, but, we only want to run the COQL call if the last one did retrieve a full 200 records. So, we check for that as well.
The below code retrieves Contact records in batches of 200. Note that you must have a WHERE clause but it could be something simple like saying “where mandatory_field is not null,” which doesn’t actually filter anything out.
repeats = repeat(",",49);
info repeats;
offset = 0;
iteration = 0;
allContacts = list();
iterationComplete = false;
for each r in repeats
if(iterationComplete == false)
queryMap = Map();
queryMap.put({"select_query":"select Last_Name, First_Name from Contacts where Last_Name is not null limit " + offset + ", 200"});
response = invokeurl
url :"https://www.zohoapis.com/crm/v3/coql"
type :POST
contacts = response.get("data");
info contacts.size();
if(contacts.size() < 200)
iterationComplete = true;
info allContacts.size();
iteration = iteration + 1;
offset = iteration * 200;