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Executive/Managerial Dashboard:

  1. Deals closing this week/month
    • Table form—list the Deals w/ their Account Names, Amount, Closing Date, and a hyperlink to the Deal record in the CRM
    • A KPI widget for “Closing $$ This Week/Month”
  2. Deals Closed (Won) last 6 months
    • Timeline of closed deals in the last 6 months
      1. Show it by Deal Amount (and throw Deal Count into the tooltip)
    • KPI Widget for “Total $$ Closed Last 6 Months”
  3. Sales Pipeline Summary Reports
    • Show a visual of the Open Deal pipeline (anything not closed won/lost)
      • (a sales pipeline gives you a visual on all of your Deals and what stage they’re at)
    • Show it by both Expected Revenue and by Deal Count
  4. Predicted Revenue next 6 months
    • Based on Closing Date
    • Be sure and use the Expected Revenue, not the actual Amount
  5. Deal Birthday (record created time) Analyses
    • List of Birthdays this Month
    • Show the top 3 birthday months with counts of the Deals in each of the top 3 months
  6. Geo Charts
    • Show which states in the US/World drive the most business (Closed Won)
    • Show a count of Open Deals by State
  7. Most Valuable Accounts Report
    • A Pivot Table or Bar Graph showing the top 5 Accounts by Closed Won $$ (historically)
  8. Color Analysis
    • Show the top 3 favourite colors by Contact count
  9. User Filters
    • Add user filters into this dashboard for Account Name and Country and know how to use them and be able to teach others how to use them

Data Integrity Dashboard:

Analytics can be a useful tool to help us pinpoint where an organization’s data collection methods are failing. Using Analytics we can build dashboards which show empty fields, unattached records, and then link directly to the incomplete CRM record so that the missing data can be quickly resolved. Build out the following reports in a separate dashboard:

  1. A table, with hyperlinks to the CRM records, of all Contacts without a favorite color (HINT: think formula columns)
  2. A table, with hyperlinks to the CRM records, of all Contacts without a retail department
  3. A KPI Widget count of the # of contacts missing both a Fav Color and a Retail Department
  4. A table, with hyperlinks to the CRM records, of all Deals with a Closing Date before today (this means it probably hasn’t been updated in a while. Need to follow up)
  5. Lists of “Unattached Contacts”
    • Contacts not tied to an Account (if any). Include hyperlink to the record
  6. List of “Unattached Deals” (if any)
    • Deals not tied to an Account. Include hyperlink to the records
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