How Trade Star Founder, Greg Pappas, Has Been Using The Workflow Academy to Start and Run His Business

The possibilies are endless when you apply what you learn at The Workflow Academy to take control of your career path. That is exactly what Greg Pappas did. Using the knowledge he gained about Zoho CRM and other Zoho programs from The Workflow Academy, he created Trade Stars, a company dedicated to helping trade and construction companies beer understand the business side of their, well, businesses.

3 min read

About Greg
Greg knows how difficult it can be running a business while working full me because he’s doing it! As a concrete driver trekking around the five boroughs of New York City, the job leaves him lile me to spend with his wife and five children. He, understandably, wants to spend less me in the truck and more me with his family, so he started teaching himself how to use Zoho in hopes of being able to step out of the truck someday.


Greg’s Introducon to The Workflow Academy
While Greg was doing a great job teaching himself how to use Zoho’s programs, he wasn’t fully confident in his knowledge and was looking for someone to help him understand the processes a bit beer. Learning about Peter Fuller, The Workflow Academy creator, and its courses were exactly what he
needed to feel comfortable and take his skills to the next level!

How The Workflow Academy Helped Create Trade Star
While Greg is sll adding to his system in Zoho for his concrete business, he recognized the capabilies it could have for other construcon companies. You see, there aren’t a lot of tech companies that cater to
businesses in the trade industry, and Greg wanted to change that. While creang his own CRM, he was wrapping his head around what he could do to create a system to help companies just like his. And that’s how Trade Star started!

Greg’s Favorite Parts of Zoho
Coding exactly what he needs and the sasfacon of watching the whole project come together are some of Greg’s favorite parts of using Zoho. Programs like Zoho Books allowed him to learn and fall in love with the business aspects of the system. He spends most of his me working in Zoho CRM, because of everything its capabilies allow him to do.
The fact he was able to teach himself while sll working is another aspect of Zoho and The Workflow Academy that made all the difference. Greg wanted to switch gears, but wouldn’t have been able to take me off of work to learn how to start a business. The Workflow Academy not only taught him how to useZoho programs to effecvely run his business, but it also allowed him to work on the road at the same me. He hopes he’ll be able to step out of the truck for good someme soon, and with his passion and drive, we know it’s only a maer of me before he makes it happen.
What’s next on the docket for Greg and his journey with The Workflow Academy? Zoho Analycs, so he can see how well his hard work is paying off!

Greg’s Advice for Future Zoho Developers & Admins
Greg’s sage advice? Don’t give up; keep trying to get beer and to keep learning. Although he said he’s not where he wants to be just yet, he’s further along than he was a year ago because he connues to work to make it happen. He also suggests reaching out to Peter, who is “a godsend,” able to movate him to move forward a lot faster and who is always there to provide guidance along the way.

Greg also made this great point: Technology is ever-changing and here to stay, so if you can stay focused on the big picture and figure out how each Zoho program works, it’s going to benefit you in the future.

Whether you’re looking for soluons to start your own business like Greg or want to be part of the Zoho team as an admin, developer, or consultant/system designer, The Workflow Academy has the knowledge you need to be a Zoho expert in no me! Get started today.

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