Deluge OAuth 2.0 Client Configuration


These Deluge scripts allow you to connect to APIs using the industry standard OAuth 2.0 framework. Provided are scripts for generating refresh tokens and access tokens.

Zoho has many pre-built connections and you can create custom connections, which are often the right solution to a problem. They are not always the right solution, and using this OAuth 2.0 workflow gives you flexibility and control over the connection to your application.

There are two scripts in this repository.

  1. Request Refresh Token (This will only be executed one time)
  2. Refresh Access Token

OAuth 2.0

OAuth 2.0 is an authentication framework for web apps and APIs. Though each API may implement some details differently, OAuth 2.0 services generally work the same.
    1. User generates an “authorization code” by making a GET request to the API.
    2. Client app (Zoho in this case) uses the recently received codeclient_id, and client_secret to receive a refresh_token.
    3. The client app then uses the refresh_token to get a new access_token, which is the key to let you call the API. Access tokens generally expire after 60 minutes.

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Find your API Documentation and Register Your App

API documentation is a must if you’re going to continue with this script. Without it you will not get anywhere.

You will need to register your application with the software you are trying to connect with Zoho CRM. This will give you a client_id and a client_secret in exchange for a redirect_uri.

Generate an Authorization Code

You can find out how to get an authorization code in the Authentication section of your API documentation. Construct the URL by combining the base_url with the query parameters like so: Paste this into your browser, then check the URL. It should looks something like Copy and paste that code, because you will need it in the script. This code usually expires within an hour, so you will want to rerun this after you implement the scripts.

Generate a Refresh Token

If you know how to generate a refresh_token yourself in a tool like Postman, go crazy.

Otherwise, there is a provided Deluge script to help you do this, request-refresh-token.dg. You will need the client_idclient_secret, and authorization code to run this function. Be sure to match the parameters and names to your APIs specs, then run it. This should provide you with the refresh_token. Copy this refresh_token and paste it locally on your computer.

Set Up Your CRM Variables

Th script for refreshing an Access Token relies on CRM Variables for the following fields:

  • client_id
  • client_secret
  • refresh_token

You can name these what you want, but be sure to change the names of them in the script.

Take Note at Parameter Names

As mentioned earlier, not every OAuth 2.0 authentication will look the same. Be very thorough with naming conventions for urls, headers, and parameters.

Get a Refreshed Access Token

This script, refresh-access-token.dg, relies on CRM Variables, if you do not want to store these values as CRM Variables, you can reconfigure this to store them as string literals in your Deluge code. Again, pay VERY close attention to parameter names, URLs, and headers in your API documentation.

Click here to copy these scripts. For more Zoho-wizardry, check out our GitHub page.

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