Invoice & Commission Record Creation in Zoho CRM

Invoice and Comission Creation

Sample CRM function for Affluence Financial Planning to create Commission records and an Invoice See here for an in-depth look at how to use and implement this code.
					// Getting the initial variables we'll use throughout the function. DealRecord, DealName, Deal Amount, Owner ID, Financial Planner ID, etc.
dealRecord = zoho.crm.getRecordById("Deals",DEAL_ID);
// Getting the DealRecord so we don't have to add a bunch of arguments.
dealName = dealRecord.get("Deal_Name");
info dealName;
dealAmount = dealRecord.get("Amount");
info dealAmount;
ownerId = dealRecord.get("Owner").get("id");
ownerName = dealRecord.get("Owner").get("name");
info ownerId;
financialPlanningAdvisorId = dealRecord.get("Financial_Planning_Advisor").get("id");
financialPlanningAdvisorName = dealRecord.get("Financial_Planning_Advisor").get("name");
// If the Deal Amount is over $20,000, we want to change up the commission rate. 
if(dealAmount > 20000)
	commissionRate = .075;
	commissionRate = .05;
info "Commission Rate: " + commissionRate;
// Calculating the commission rate
commissionAmount = dealAmount * commissionRate;
info "Commission Amount: " + commissionAmount;
// Putting together our Commission Map for the commissions we'll create later in our function. We don't add the "Owner" of the commission, because that will be defined later in a "For Each" loop
commissionMap = Map();
commissionMap.put("Name",dealName + " Commission");
// Populating the list of User IDs that we generated in the first section — we'll use this list as part of our For Each loop later in the function.
userIdList = list();
commissionList = list();
// Iterating through every User ID in our list to create functions for each.
for each  userId in userIdList
	createCommission = zoho.crm.createRecord("Commissions",commissionMap);
info commissionList;
// Filtering through our list of created commissions to see if any commissions are over $5,000 — if they are, we can create a task to congratulate the salesperson, send an automated email, etc. We don't actually perform any action with the next 15 lines of code. It's there just as a demo of IF/FOR EACH statements
for each  commission in commissionList
	commissionId = commission.get("id");
	commissionRecord = zoho.crm.getRecordById("Commissions",commissionId);
	commissionAmount = commissionRecord.get("Commission_Amount");
	info commissionAmount;
	if(commissionAmount > 5000)
		yarg = 10;
		yarg = 5;
info "Yarg — if Yarg is 10, the Commission is over 5000, if Yarg is 5 the commission is under 5000:  " + yarg;
//Every command in Books requires the Organization ID. What follows is the API call for getting the Org ID
getOrganizations = invokeurl
	url :""
	type :GET
info getOrganizations;
orgId = getOrganizations.get("organizations").get(0).get("organization_id");
info "Org ID: " + orgId;
// We search Books for Customers whose Name matches the "Account Name" from the Deal record
accountName = dealRecord.get("Account_Name").get("name");
info "Account Name: " + accountName;
searchParam = {"contact_name":accountName};
customerRecord = zoho.books.getRecords("Contacts",orgId,searchParam).get("contacts");
//If we find a Customer record, get the ID for creating the invoice later. If not, we create a Customer record and then get its ID (using the same variable)
	customer = customerRecord.get("0");
	customerId = customer.get("contact_id");
	newCustomerMap = Map();
	createCustomer = zoho.books.createRecord("Contacts",orgId,newCustomerMap);
	customer = createCustomer.get("contact");
	customerId = customer.get("contact_id");
//Now we create the invoice map, add all the right fields, line item details, and create the Invoice!
today = zoho.currentdate;
invoice = Map();
createInvoice = zoho.books.createRecord("invoices",orgId,invoice);
info "Invoice Record: " + createInvoice;d,{"Company_Overview":company_overview});
		info update2;

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