Skip this video if you get the concept!
Spell out all the work you’ll do to actually build those features.
Example: “We have no visibility into our leads pipeline, where leads are getting stuck or neglected, and how long they are spending at each stage in the process, etc.…”
In our flowchart, we map out the process through which a sales rep would usher a Lead, but that flowchart does not necessarily answer this question. So, our response and answer, in the statement of work, is:
This report then shows us all of the leads that have not changed status in the last seven days. This would help sales people and managers ensure they are following up with leads in a timely manner.
Researching and testing features to make sure they actually solve your pain points is sometimes necessary. As you’re spelling out the work you’re going to do, you should definitely be tinkering in the system. Does that feature work the way you thought it would?
If you have already built out something almost identical though, you obviously don’t need to rebuild it in order to make sure it works. Just don’t promise something that you can’t deliver!